My blog

Trip reports, projects, and thoughts
  • New Zealand - Auckland day 3

    With mediocre weather and a flight to Queenstown that evening, we decided that our third and final day in Auckland would be our museum day. After a late breakfast we headed back over to Albert Park and the Auckland Art Gallery. The featured exhibit was “Light from Tate: 1700s to... [Read More]
  • New Zealand - Auckland day 2

    The only item on our agenda for our second day in Auckland was reunion with a family friend from Boise, Jason, who has lived in Auckland for the past 15 years. We had a couple of hours to kill in the morning before our lunch meetup, so we grabbed some... [Read More]
  • New Zealand - Auckland day 1

    On Thursday Kaitlin and I embarked on our long-awaited honeymoon (can we call it a honeymoon 2.5 years late?) to New Zealand. We’ll be spending 13 days total in the country, visiting Auckland, Queenstown, Rotorua, and Tongariro. Our journey began with a 13 hour overnight flight from SFO-Auckland - surpisingly... [Read More]
  • Climbing and skiing Mount St. Helens

    This weekend I checked a big one off of my PNW bucket list: climbing and skiing Mount St. Helens. At 5500 feet of elevation gain over a 10 mile round trip, this would be my first volcano and one of my longer climbs. With the weather on the mountain Saturday... [Read More]
  • Snoqualmie mountain to snow lake loop

    I took advantage of the “Juneuary” weather this weekend to ski a loop in the Alpental valley backcountry and do some long overdue scouting. The weather forecast was 41 degrees and sunny all day at the pass so I opted to get out there (relatively) early to avoid both the... [Read More]