My blog

Trip reports, projects, and thoughts
  • 11/3/2024 Weekly what's up

    What I’m reading I finished Play Nice. A must-read if you are a fan of Blizzard games, and a great read if you have any interest in business of making video games. It’s a great look into how a company grows up (or doesn’t!) over 30 years. I’m always reading... [Read More]
  • 10/27/2024 Weekly what's up

    What I’m reading Play Nice from Jason Schreier chronicles the history of Blizzard entertainment. I have a long history with Blizzard games (playing Warcraft II before I could read!) and so far it’s a great behind-the-scenes look at the evolution of the company. [Read More]
  • Controlling our heat pump with home assistant

    Kaitlin’s office has a heat pump unit for both heating and cooling. It works alright, but during the winter it can take some time to heat up the space in the morning. With temperatures starting to drop, I got around to a project I’ve been meaning to take on for... [Read More]
  • 10/21/2024 Weekly what's up

    What I’m reading After re-reading all of the Stormlight Archive in preparation for Wind and Truth I read Warbreaker for the first time. It was delightful, and now likely in my top 5 Sanderson books. I hope he gets to write the sequel someday. I’m slowly working my way through... [Read More]
  • Broken top ski

    Sled ride to a volcano

    Kincaid had taken a few trips down to California to see us over the past year, so a trip up to Bend was overdue. I took advantage of a Friday off of work and flew up to do some skiing and biking. After a mediocre spring day at Bachelor on... [Read More]